Beating the ATS?

Brian Fink
2 min readMay 18, 2023


Photo by Jason Leung on Unsplash

Listen, folks, we can sit here all day and wax lyrical about the seemingly omnipotent ATS, or Applicant Tracking System, if you’re not hip to the jargon. This is the piece of tech wizardry that screens your resume before a human ever sets eyes on it. But let’s be brutally honest here, blaming the ATS for not landing a job is like blaming the alarm clock for a lousy morning. It’s not the tool, it’s how you’re using it.

Here’s the harsh truth: If you’re not getting past the ATS, it’s likely because you’re not doing your homework. That’s right. It’s not about the machine, it’s about you. Are you customizing your resume for each job? Are you using the right keywords? Are you demonstrating, clearly and concisely, how your skills align with the job description? Because if you’re not, that’s on you, my friend.

Sure, it’s convenient to blame this impersonal, algorithmic gatekeeper. But, the ATS is just doing its job. It’s sorting the wheat from the chaff. And it’s not personal, it’s business. So, stop focusing on beating the system and start focusing on presenting yourself in the best light possible.

Now, let’s talk interviews. People often neglect this part of the process, and it’s a massive mistake. Your interview is your opportunity to demonstrate that you’re not just a name on a page, not just a set of skills or experiences, but a living, breathing, thinking asset to the company.

To rock an interview, you need to do more than show up. You need to be prepared. You need to have done your research about the company, the role, the industry. You need to have thought about how your experience and skills fit into their grand scheme. You need to have answers ready for those tricky questions. And not just any answers, but well thought-out, insightful, meaningful answers.

And hey, if you’re not comfortable with interviews, that’s not unusual. But it’s something you can work on. There are tons of resources out there to help you polish your interview skills. Use them. Practice. Get better.

In the end, remember, it’s not the ATS, it’s you. If you’re not landing the job, it’s likely because you’re not presenting yourself as effectively as you could. It’s not the world’s fault, it’s yours. So get up, dust off, and make yourself the candidate that no ATS or hiring manager can ignore.

So in the words of my morning Peloton instructor: saddle up, tighten your grip, and pedal like there’s no tomorrow because no one else is going to do it for you. Your career isn’t a spin class, but damn it, the same principles apply. Show up, work hard, and make sure you’re doing everything you can to be the best.



Brian Fink
Brian Fink

Written by Brian Fink

Executive Recruiter. ✈ #ATL ↔ #SF ✈ Building companies is my favorite. Opinions are my own. Responsibility is freedom. 🖖

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