Don’t Let Assholes Impact Your Success

Brian Fink
2 min readJun 22, 2023


Photo by TS Sergey on Unsplash

Look, folks, the world has a habit of sizing you up based on your present coordinates, not your prospective journey or your endgame. People have a tendency to stick a label on you as if you’re a finished product, rather than an evolving entity. Yet it’s the ‘could-be’ rather than the ‘is-now’ that truly matters. Don’t let their ephemeral verdict halt your relentless pursuit of success.

People will throw their comments at you like a flippant dart at a board. Don’t allow these darts to puncture your determination. You can either disregard their opinion, tucking it away in some obscure corner of your mind, or use it as kindling for your motivational fire. Let their misguided judgement fuel your appetite for improvement and growth.

Remember, their assessment is merely a snapshot of your ‘now’, a myopic view of your standing in this moment. It’s not a crystal ball revealing your future potential or the grand trajectory you’re on. It’s as meaningful as an outdated map trying to navigate through a dynamic city.

Here’s what you need to do: Keep your eyes glued to your journey and your aspirations. Forget the chatter of the crowd and instead, tap into your inner voice. Progress is a process, not a sprint. It’s about getting better each day, inch by inch, slowly but surely climbing the ladder of success. You are your own best judge, and the only verdict that truly matters is your own. You’re more than the sum of your current circumstances; you’re a universe of untapped potential, ready to explode into greatness. Let that be your guiding star.



Brian Fink
Brian Fink

Written by Brian Fink

Executive Recruiter. ✈ #ATL ↔ #SF ✈ Building companies is my favorite. Opinions are my own. Responsibility is freedom. 🖖

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