Give Selflessly
Have you ever strolled through Costco’s aisles and been offered a delightful free sample? And after relishing that tiny bite, felt an almost magnetic pull to purchase the entire product? Welcome to the world of reciprocity. It’s a deep-seated psychological principle that underscores our human interactions. When someone does something for us, we naturally feel an urge, sometimes subtle, other times compelling, to return the favor.
Reciprocity isn’t just about physical exchanges; it’s deeply woven into our social fabric. From the times of ancient barter systems to modern day acts of kindness, this “give and take” dynamic has been vital in fostering trust and building communities.
But here’s the golden rule to remember: giving with the sole intention of getting something in return is a facade. It’s like serving a dish that looks appetizing but is tasteless at its core. People, with their uncanny intuitive sense, can detect insincerity from a mile away. Give selflessly, without that immediate ledger of expectations in your mind. Because genuine generosity isn’t transactional; it’s transformational.
When you act with genuine altruism, when you extend your hand without waiting for the other to fill it, something almost mystical happens. The universe, or fate, or karma — whatever you’d like to call it — takes note. And often, it repays that act of goodwill in the most unexpected and abundant ways. It might not be immediate, and it might not be in the form you anticipate, but the return on genuine kindness is immeasurable.
In essence, don’t just give — give selflessly. The universe, in its mysterious rhythm, always finds a way to dance back into the lives of those who lead with their hearts.
Brian Fink is the author of Tech Talk To Me. He takes on the stress and strain of complex technology concepts and simplifies them for the modern recruiter. Fink’s impassioned wit and humor tackle the highs and lows of technical recruiting with a unique perspective — a perspective intended to help you find, engage, and partner with professionals.