Going Picasso: Finding Purple Squirrels

Brian Fink
4 min readJun 16, 2024
Photo by V2F on Unsplash

In the world of art, Pablo Picasso famously said, “Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist.” Now, I don’t know about you, but when I hear that, I think Picasso would’ve made one heck of a recruiter. Stick with me here.

Picture this: the corporate world as one gigantic, ever-evolving canvas. Each team is a unique brushstroke contributing to the grand masterpiece. And at the helm of this artistic endeavor is the recruiter — the Picasso of the professional realm. But this isn’t about slapping paint on a canvas willy-nilly. It’s about understanding the intricacies of color theory, brush techniques, and composition before daring to defy them. In recruitment, it’s about knowing your team inside and out — their strengths, weaknesses, dynamics — before breaking the mold with a candidate who brings something revolutionary to the table.

First, let’s talk about the basics. Every job description is a carefully crafted set of rules — a blueprint, if you will. It lists the skills, experiences, and qualifications that a candidate must possess. But here’s the kicker: job descriptions are the ‘rules’ Picasso mentioned. They are the framework within which you operate, the fundamental guidelines that ensure you don’t end up with a total mess. But adhering to these guidelines alone doesn’t make you a great recruiter; it makes you an average one. The magic happens when you understand the rules so thoroughly that you can spot opportunities to break them effectively.

Imagine you’re putting together a team of marketing wizards. You’ve got your analytics genius, your content creator extraordinaire, your social media savant, and your SEO sorcerer. But something’s still missing. The team is good — great, even — but not extraordinary. It’s like a Picasso painting that’s technically sound but lacks that elusive spark of genius. Enter the recruiter, who understands that what’s missing isn’t just another marketing guru with a resume that ticks all the boxes, but perhaps a storyteller — a person with a background in screenwriting or journalism. Someone who can craft compelling narratives that breathe life into data and strategy.

Here’s where understanding team dynamics comes into play. It’s not just about filling a vacancy; it’s about adding a stroke of genius that transforms the entire composition. It’s recognizing that your analytics genius might benefit from someone who can turn numbers into narratives. It’s seeing that your social media savant could use a partner who brings a fresh, unconventional perspective to content creation. It’s about finding the candidate who not only fits the mold but can shatter it in ways that propel the team to new heights.

Let’s not kid ourselves — this isn’t easy. It requires a deep dive into the psyche of the existing team. It’s about listening to their pain points, understanding their aspirations, and identifying the gaps they might not even realize exist. It’s about being a psychologist, a detective, and an artist all rolled into one. And this is where the recruiter’s true artistry shines. Like Picasso, who broke the conventions of art to create something entirely new and mesmerizing, the recruiter breaks the conventional hiring rules to discover a candidate who brings a fresh perspective, introduces novel ideas, and drives the team forward in unexpected and exciting directions.

But how do you find this elusive unicorn? It starts with asking the right questions. Not just about skills and experiences, but about passions, hobbies, and side projects. What makes this candidate tick? What drives their curiosity? How do they approach problems? It’s about digging deeper, beyond the polished facade of the resume, to uncover the raw, unfiltered genius that lies beneath. It’s about looking for the candidate who can say, “I see where you’re going with this, but have you considered doing it this way instead?”

Now, let’s talk about the ripple effect. When you introduce a candidate who breaks the mold, they don’t just add value — they elevate the entire team. They challenge the status quo, inspire their colleagues, and bring a sense of dynamism that can be contagious. They’re the catalyst for innovation, the spark that ignites a chain reaction of creativity and productivity. They’re the person who walks into the room and, with a single idea, transforms a good team into a great one.

So, what’s the takeaway here? In the world of recruitment, as in the world of art, the true genius lies not in following the rules, but in knowing when and how to break them. It’s about understanding the existing team dynamics so intimately that you can identify what’s missing and find a candidate who brings that missing piece in a way that redefines the entire composition. It’s about being a Picasso in a sea of paint-by-numbers. It’s about finding that stroke of genius that turns a collection of talented individuals into a cohesive, innovative, and unstoppable force.

In the end, recruitment isn’t just about filling roles; it’s about creating masterpieces. And the best recruiters, like the best artists, know that sometimes, the most impactful strokes are the ones that break the rules.

Hi there, I’m Brian, and in addition to this Medium, I’m writing the proverbial (no surprise here) sequel to Talk Tech To Me. I take on the stress and strain of complex technology concepts and simplify them for the modern recruiter.



Brian Fink

Executive Recruiter. ✈ #ATL ↔ #SF ✈ Building companies is my favorite. Opinions are my own. Responsibility is freedom. 🖖