Interview Tip #26

Brian Fink
1 min readAug 11, 2022


Self-awareness is your killer hack to any interview.

Self-awareness is one of the most important skills to acquire before you begin interviewing. The good part of this internal inventory is that you will learn crucial aspects of yourself, propelling you forward for the rest of your life. It’s similar to what Jason Fried & David Heinemeier Hansson, pioneers in Ruby on Rails and 37Signals, said in their book, ReWork. Understanding your strengths and weaknesses is the key to moving ahead. Accepting your shortcomings and striving to become more conscious of who you are is how you will improve.

Whether you’re speaking with an internal recruiter, hiring manager, or a panel of future coworkers, the interviewer wants to know if you know yourself.

Photo by Maximalfocus on Unsplash

It’s important to ask for feedback while you hold their attention, which you acquired when the interview began.

Why not ask the hiring manager for live feedback? When you ask the hiring manager or recruiter for feedback, you’re asking, “Hey, do you have any hesitations about moving forward in the process?” When you ask this question, you’re asking for someone to point out your faults, where you don’t fit, what they don’t understand about you, and what the challenge is that you’re addressing.



Brian Fink
Brian Fink

Written by Brian Fink

Executive Recruiter. ✈ #ATL ↔ #SF ✈ Building companies is my favorite. Opinions are my own. Responsibility is freedom. 🖖

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