It’s Not The Job; It’s The Manager
People don’t just bail on a gig, as the adage whispers — they bail on a lousy boss. But who’s the puppeteer behind the curtain? You guessed it: managers. If you’re itching to retain your all-stars, it’s time to go bespoke in a trinity of ways.
Numero uno: conjure up roles they’ll savor. This might mean snagging those dazzling prodigies and then inking their job manifestos. Or, consider spinning your A-players out of their sweet spots, where they’re nailing it but yawning with ennui.
The deuce: unleash a kaleidoscope of their talents and fire them up with their passions. Don’t shackle them to a monochromatic skill set; let them paint with the entire palette.
And the triple play: slash the work-life tug-of-war. Blaze trails for career ascension that jibe with their personal bucket lists.
In sum, to keep your MVPs in the game, tailor their experience, broaden their horizons, and harmonize their work-life duet.