Paycheck, Personal Growth, and Purpose
Ahoy, folks. I’ll cut right to the chase because I know you don’t have time for fluff. In this uber-competitive world of ours, where each of us is vying for that golden spot under the corporate sun, it’s all too easy to forget that the game of interviews isn’t just a single-sided interrogation. The balance of power isn’t as skewed as you’d imagine. Quite the contrary, my friends.
Just as a company is evaluating you for fit, you should be assessing the company for the same thing. Why? Well, let me break it down for you. I like to call this the three ‘P’s’ of corporate interviewing: Paycheck, Personal Growth, and Purpose.
👉 The Paycheck. We all know it’s not everything, but let’s not fool ourselves — it’s a big part of the equation. You want to know that the company will not only compensate you fairly, but also have a transparent and equitable structure for raises and bonuses. Don’t shy away from this, it’s your future, your security we’re talking about.
👉 Personal Growth. If you’re not learning, you’re stagnating. Period. Ensure that the company invests in its employees’ development and offers room for progression.
Do they have training programs?
Opportunities for mentorship?
Will you have the chance to gain new skills, or will you be left doing the same thing day in and day out?
👉 Purpose. Now, this is where the rubber meets the road, where profit meets purpose. Do the company’s values align with yours? Are they making a difference? And not just the kind of difference that looks good in an annual report, but the real deal. Will you feel proud telling your friends, family, or significant other about what you do?
Never forget: your time is your most precious asset. Make sure you invest it in a company that values it as much as you do. Interview the company with the same rigor they use to interview you. Remember, you’re the judge and the contestant, the interrogator and the interviewee. You’ve got skin in this game too. Demand more, expect more. And above all else, remember that no company deserves you — they earn you.
So, gear up and go interview your future employer. And remember, you’re not begging for a job. You’re offering them the opportunity of a lifetime — you.
Until next time, folks. Stay audacious, stay hungry.