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Start Now
If getting started were easy, then I suspect we would live in a world like the one Pablo Picasso enshrined in the quote “Every act of creation is first of all an act of destruction.”
This morning, however, I am provoked to write based on a series of conversations that I’ve recently had as opposed to drawing inspiration from the Picasso quote. These personal conversations can all be distilled down to two words: Start Now. Each of these conversations has at its cornerstone people, I included, who need to wake up to the reality that we live in a world that is constantly changing, and by taking action, we can shape the world.
This is opposed to being a victim and simply wallowing in the shit that comes our way. There is power in the here and now. The moment provides us all that we need — there are no extraneous details that we need to discover. Those would only weigh us down.
For instance, I know that I need to lose 20lbs. I’m putting it out there. No doctor told me this or confirmed my suspicion. Instead, when I was drudging through the suck of a 10K mud run, I realized that I was my own worst enemy. The obstacles were tough, and several of them left me wondering why I’d pledged myself to this activity. In short, if I was 20lbs. lighter, the obstacle rub would be that much more enjoyable and thrilling.