The Biden Boot: What Happens if Joe Gets the 25th Amendment Ejection Seat

Brian Fink
4 min readJul 6, 2024


Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

Ladies and gentlemen, gather ‘round. It’s time to dive into the political hypothetical pool and splash around in the deep end.

Picture this: President Joe Biden is removed from office via the 25th Amendment. What happens next? Buckle up, because this rollercoaster ride through the ramifications of such a political upheaval is going to be wild, witty, and wryly informative.

The 25th Amendment Primer

Before we leap into the speculative abyss, let’s get our facts straight. The 25th Amendment, ratified in 1967, provides a constitutional mechanism for replacing the president in the event of death, resignation, removal, or incapacitation. Section 4 of the amendment allows the Vice President and a majority of the Cabinet to declare the President unfit for duty. If the President contests, Congress gets the final say. Simple, right? Now, let’s play out this scenario.

Enter Madam President Harris

If Biden is ousted, Vice President Kamala Harris steps up. Cue the historical headlines: the first female, first Black, and first South Asian President. This is a seismic shift in the political landscape, a cataclysmic change that would make the 2020 election look like a game of checkers. Harris, with her prosecutorial background and Senate experience, would bring a different flavor to the Oval Office. Expect a more assertive stance on justice reform, climate change, and healthcare.

The Political Domino Effect

Harris’s ascent isn’t just a historical milestone; it’s a political earthquake. Here’s how the aftershocks would play out:

  1. Cabinet Shuffle: Harris would likely appoint a new Vice President, subject to congressional approval. This choice could solidify her support base or be a conciliatory olive branch to moderate Democrats and even Republicans. Names like Pete Buttigieg or Stacey Abrams might surface, adding another layer of intrigue.
  2. Congressional Chess: With midterms always looming, every decision Harris makes will be scrutinized. Republicans, already gearing up for a fight, would double down on their opposition. Democrats, meanwhile, would need to rally behind Harris, presenting a united front to avoid losing ground.
  3. Policy Shifts: Harris might push for more progressive policies, which could face stiff resistance in a closely divided Congress. Expect battles over climate initiatives, healthcare reform, and immigration policies to become even more heated.

International Ripples

The removal of a U.S. President isn’t just a domestic drama; it sends shockwaves across the globe. Allies and adversaries alike would recalibrate their strategies. Here’s how the world stage might react:

  1. Allies Adjusting: NATO partners and other allies would need reassurance. Harris would have to swiftly assert her foreign policy chops, reinforcing commitments to international alliances and trade agreements.
  2. Adversaries Testing: Nations like China, Russia, and North Korea might see this as an opportunity to test the new administration’s resolve. Expect a flurry of diplomatic and possibly military maneuvers aimed at gauging Harris’s mettle.
  3. Global Markets: Financial markets hate uncertainty. The initial reaction would likely be volatility, with stocks, bonds, and currencies fluctuating as investors digest the implications of a new U.S. President. Long-term stability would depend on Harris’s economic policies and their reception by the business community.

The Media Maelstrom

Oh, the media. If you thought the 24-hour news cycle was relentless before, just wait. The punditry would explode with analysis, speculation, and no shortage of hot takes. Here’s what to expect:

  1. Endless Coverage: Every move Harris makes will be dissected, from her inaugural address to her first 100 days. Expect a deluge of think pieces on her leadership style, policy priorities, and potential re-election bid.
  2. Social Media Frenzy: Twitter, Facebook, TikTok — all the platforms will be ablaze with opinions, memes, and hashtags. The digital town square will be more chaotic than ever, as supporters and detractors alike voice their views
  3. Legacy Questions: Biden’s legacy will be a hot topic. Was he pushed out unfairly? Did his policies set the stage for Harris’s success or failure? The historical narrative will be fiercely contested.

The Long-Term Impact

So, what’s the big picture? Removing a sitting president via the 25th Amendment isn’t just a plot twist; it’s a paradigm shift. The immediate effects would be dramatic, but the long-term implications could reshape the American political landscape for a generation.

  1. Constitutional Precedent: Using the 25th Amendment in this way would set a powerful precedent. Future administrations might find themselves navigating a new political reality where presidential fitness is a constant point of contention.
  2. Electoral Dynamics: Harris would enter the next election cycle as an incumbent, a position of strength but also immense scrutiny. Her performance would shape the Democratic Party’s platform and influence voter sentiment across the spectrum.
  3. Cultural Shifts: Beyond politics, a Harris presidency would have profound cultural implications, inspiring a new generation of leaders from diverse backgrounds. The symbolic power of her presidency could accelerate social progress and challenge entrenched biases.

Triggering A Cascading Uncertainty

In the grand theater of American politics, the removal of President Joe Biden via the 25th Amendment would be a drama for the ages. It would thrust Kamala Harris into the spotlight, trigger a cascade of political and international reactions, and leave an indelible mark on the nation’s history. As we ponder this hypothetical scenario, one thing is clear: the only certainty in politics is uncertainty. So, keep your popcorn handy and stay tuned.

And remember, in the words of the immortal Yogi Berra, “It ain’t over till it’s over.”



Brian Fink

Executive Recruiter. ✈ #ATL ↔ #SF ✈ Building companies is my favorite. Opinions are my own. Responsibility is freedom. 🖖