The Grain of Sand That Creates a Pearl

Brian Fink
4 min readJun 9, 2024
Photo by Marin Tulard on Unsplash

Life, dear reader, is a veritable roller coaster — a thrilling ride of ups and downs, punctuated by the occasional loop-de-loop and heart-stopping drop. But here’s the kicker: unlike those neatly engineered amusement park rides, life doesn’t come with a seatbelt or a safety bar. You’re in for the wild ride, and the only thing you can truly rely on is your ability to hold on tight.

It’s often said that “the struggle you’re in today is developing the strength you need for tomorrow.” Trite, perhaps. Cliché, definitely. But oh, how true it is. Let’s unpack this nugget of wisdom with the kind of wit and vigor that you expect from an over caffeinated Fink on a Sunday.

The Furnace of Adversity

First, let’s talk about the struggle. It’s everywhere. It’s the 800-pound gorilla in the room, the persistent drip of a leaky faucet, the endless traffic jam when you’re already late. Struggle is that necessary evil, the grain of sand that irritates the oyster into producing a pearl. It’s your landlord’s incessant emails, your boss’s unreasonable deadlines, your toddler’s baffling tantrums — hey, I’m a father too, so I get it. But these struggles are not just hurdles to leap over; they are the furnace of adversity that forges the steel of our character.

In the business world, we call this “creative destruction.” It’s the process through which new growth sprouts from the ashes of the old. Just look at Netflix. It was once a mail-order DVD service, now it’s a streaming behemoth creating content that makes Hollywood blush. It was the struggle of adapting to changing technology and consumer preferences that made Netflix the entertainment titan it is today.

The Strength Within

Now, about that strength for tomorrow. It doesn’t come gift-wrapped. No one hands you resilience on a silver platter. You earn it, inch by painstaking inch. Each time you confront a challenge, whether it’s navigating a career change, surviving a breakup, or simply getting through a particularly rough Tuesday, you’re adding to your reservoir of strength. It’s like compound interest but for your soul.

Think about your favorite superhero. Tony Stark didn’t become Iron Man by sipping lattes and binge-watching shows. He faced his fears head-on, from the heart-wrenching captivity in Afghanistan to grappling with his own hubris and the responsibility that came with his genius. Each setback, each battle, each moment of doubt added to his resilience. You might not be fighting aliens in a metal suit, but your struggles are no less heroic.

The Long Game

So, why does this matter? Because life, my friends, is a marathon, not a sprint. And in this marathon, it’s not the fleet of foot who win, but those who endure. The grit you develop today is what will see you through the toughest miles ahead.

Consider the business titans of our age. Jeff Bezos didn’t build Amazon into the colossus it is without weathering storms. From the dot-com bubble burst to relentless scrutiny and criticism, Bezos and Amazon emerged stronger because they didn’t shy away from struggle; they embraced it. They learned, adapted, and ultimately thrived.

Or take Steve Jobs. Kicked out of the company he co-founded, Jobs didn’t wallow in defeat. Instead, he embarked on a journey of innovation with NeXT and Pixar, eventually returning to Apple to lead it to unprecedented heights. His struggles were not setbacks; they were setups for a comeback. Jobs’s vision and tenacity transformed Apple from a floundering company into a technology juggernaut that revolutionized multiple industries.

Embracing the Struggle

Let’s be clear: struggle is not something to be merely tolerated. It’s to be embraced, relished even. It’s your personal trainer, pushing you to lift more, run faster, be better. It’s the secret sauce that transforms ordinary lives into extraordinary stories.

So next time you’re knee-deep in a problem that seems insurmountable, remember that you’re not just suffering for suffering’s sake. You’re in training. Each setback is a lesson, each obstacle a stepping stone. You’re building the muscle memory of resilience, the unyielding spirit that will carry you through life’s inevitable trials.

Playing The Symphony of Strength

In closing, let’s revisit that quote: “The struggle you’re in today is developing the strength you need for tomorrow.” It’s more than just a motivational poster. It’s a reminder that every hardship is an opportunity in disguise, every challenge a chance to grow. Embrace the struggle, cherish the journey, and look forward to the strength you’ll wield tomorrow.

After all, life’s greatest achievements don’t come from avoiding the storm, but from learning to dance in the rain. And trust me, there’s no better dance partner than struggle, for it leads you to the grand symphony of strength that lies within.

Hi there, I’m Brian, and in addition to this Medium, I wrote Talk Tech To Me. I take on the stress and strain of complex technology concepts and simplify them for the modern recruiter.



Brian Fink

Executive Recruiter. ✈ #ATL ↔ #SF ✈ Building companies is my favorite. Opinions are my own. Responsibility is freedom. 🖖