What Is Your Plan?
Let’s cut through the sentimental fog and lay it bare: Life is brutally short.
This isn’t some quaint platitude you embroider on decor or plaster on the back of your car. It’s the stark reality we all face. I’m not sure that I needed a funeral to remind me of this fact.
Every moment spent not aggressively pursuing your ambitions is a moment wasted, a precious grain of sand slipping irrevocably through the hourglass of your finite existence. And here’s the kicker: there are no second takes. This isn’t some trial run. It’s the main event, your singular opportunity to make a mark.
So, post-funeral, as these thoughts weigh heavily, the question looms: What’s our move?
Here’s my dispatch from the trenches of life:
We’re navigating an era with unprecedentedly low barriers to action.
Thinking about starting a venture? You could be operational by midnight.
Got a novel brewing inside? Hit those keys.
Waiting for some mythical alignment of cosmic signals to kickstart your journey? Forget it. That’s a fairy tale. The only opportune time is this very moment.
But let’s be crystal clear: pursuing your dreams isn’t about whimsically gallivanting after every half-baked idea. It’s about zeroing in on what genuinely ignites your passion, what you excel at, and then attacking it with relentless vigor. It’s about employing your distinct talents and resources to stake your claim in this world.
And make no mistake, the path is strewn with hurdles and pitfalls. Welcome to the real world. Yet, it’s through these very challenges that legends are carved.
Bottom line? Life’s clock is ticking, non-negotiable and inexorable. How you spend your allotment, what you build, who you cherish, and the legacy you craft — that’s on you.
So, I pose the question once more: What’s your plan?
Brian Fink is the author of The Main Thing is The Main Thing. It’s his way of galvanizing your focus to bring your life’s work to reality. Fink’s impassioned wit and humor tackle the highs and lows of dispelling the constant barrage of interruptions, pings, and distractions that take you away from realizing your main thing.